Equity and Discipline
The club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development. In so doing it acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity:
Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equity of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.
The club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.
The club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.
All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity,
The club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to club disciplinary procedures.
Disciplinary code
Harrow Hockey club fully endorse the disciplinary codes of the English Hockey Association.
If any member should receive a red card a Disciplinary Committee (as indicated below) shall be set up, as soon as possible, after the offence has taken place. The purpose of the Committee is to hear the circumstances surrounding the offence and to report back to the Executive Committee the action to be taken.
The following persons are entitled to be present at the meeting of the Disciplinary Committee:
Appropriate men’s or ladies secretary (who will act as Chair)
Captain of the team then member was playing in when the red card offence took place.
One other Executive Committee member.
The member who committed the red card offence.
A person of the above member’s choice.
The procedure of the Disciplinary meeting will allow the member to present his/her case regarding the red card offence. The Disciplinary Committee will then decide on action to be taken and report this to the Executive Committee.
If the member wishes to appeal against the decision of the Disciplinary Committee, an Appeal Committee will be formed to make the final decision. The Appeal Committee will consist of two Vice-Presidents of the club and one member of the Executive Committee who was present at the original Disciplinary Committee hearing.
- The club shall be known as “THE HARROW HOCKEY CLUB”. It shall form the hockey section of the Kenton Club (Middx) Ltd and shall be affiliated to the Middlesex Hockey Association and Middlesex Umpires’ Association.
- The Club Colours shall be yellow and royal blue shirts with dark blue shorts/skirts and yellow and blue hooped stockings, and shall be worn by all members participating in Club matches.
- (a) The President of the Club shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) Nominations for the election of President, signed by the nominee, proposer and seconder, shall be submitted to the General Secretary but shall not be put to the Annual General Meeting unless they have been previously endorsed by a two-thirds majority of the General Committee present and voting.
- (a) The following officers shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting to form the Executive Committee:
Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary, Men’s and Ladies’ First Team Captains, Ladies’ Secretary and Men’s Secretary, Junior Hockey Secretary.
(b) The following officers shall also be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting:
Captains of the teams other than the Men’s and Ladies’ 1st XIs, Men’s and Ladies’ Fixture Secretaries
(c) Nominations for the election of Officers in this rule, signed by the nominee, proposer and seconder, shall be submitted to the General Secretary 7 days before the Annual General Meeting. Retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election. Only in the absence of such nomination will nominations be accepted from the floor.
- After the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Committee shall hold a meeting before the commencement of the next season to appoint those officers to the Executive Committee deems necessary for the administration of the Club.
- At the commencement of each season the Executive Committee shall appoint the following:
Vice-captains of all teams.
- (a) The control and management of the Club shall be vested in the Executive Committee, which shall meet at least once a month from September to March. Minutes of these meetings shall be circularised to the General Committee.
(b) At its last meeting before the AGM and at its first meeting of the season, the Executive Committee shall be augmented by the Officers in Rules 4(b) and 5; and this enlarged body shall form the General Committee fo the Club.
(c) After the Annual General Meeting, the Junior Hockey Secretary shall hold a meeting before the commencement of the next season to appoint a Junior Hockey Committee whose purpose shall be to organise and run the Junior Hockey section and to apply for any grants which may be available from various authorities for equipment and facilities.
- The Executive Committee shall, at its meeting nearest to the 1st January in each season, appoint Officers for Summer Hockey.
- At any meeting of the Executive Committee or of the General Committee, six members shall form a quorum.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any Officer or other member to help them out; but those co-opted shall be entitled to vote if they hold any of the offices listed in Rules 4(b) and 5.
- The Selection Committees shall consist of:
(a) The Men’s Secretary and the Captain (or Vice-Captain) of each men’s team.
(b) The Ladies’ Secretary and the Captain (or Vice-Captain) of each ladies’ team.
The Men’s Secretary and the Ladies’ Secretary shall convene meetings of the Selection Committees at least once in each of the playing months October to April inclusive.
- Casual vacancies shall be filled by the Executive Committee.
- An Annual General Meeting shall be held in April of each year, of which 14 days notice in writing shall be given to every member, and at which business shall include:
(a) Report of the General Secretary
(b) Report of the Treasurer, and submission of accounts for the year ending the previous March 31st.
(c) Rates of subscriptions.
(d) Election of Officers.
- The General Secretary, on the written request of at least 10 members, stating the business to be discussed, or on the authority of the Executive Committee, shall call a Special General Meeting to be held within 21 days of the receipt of such request or authority and every member shall receive at least 7 days’ notice of the date of such Meeting.
- At the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting, a quorum shall consist of 20 members present.
- Voting at all meetings shall be by a simple majority of those present, and voting shall be by a show of hands, unless a ballot is demanded by any member present. In the event of equality of voting, the Chairman of the Meeting shall have an additional or casting vote.
- Any person desiring to become a member of the Club shall make a written application, and shall be proposed by one existing member, and this nomination shall be displayed on the Club notice board for at least two weeks before the Executive Committee shall accept or reject it.
- The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, elect a limited number of social members.
- Any member who wishes to resign shall give notice, in writing. In the absence of a written resignation before the 30th September, the member shall remain liable for the payment of his/her subscription.
- Members of visiting clubs shall be elected as temporary members of the Club for the day on which they visit the ground, and the names of such temporary members shall be posted for at least 48 hours before their admission thereto.
- (a) For special services to the Club, nominations may be made for Life Vice-Presidents. This nomination shall be for life and without subscription.
(b) Vice-Presidents of the Club shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.
(c) Nominations for the election of Life Vice-Presidents and Vice-Presidents, signed by the proposer and seconder, shall be submitted to the General Secretary, but shall not be put to the AGM unless they have been previously endorsed by a two-thirds majority of the General Committee present and voting.
- The rates of subscriptions for each forthcoming year shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting held before the start of the season.
- Subscriptions shall be payable on or before the 31st October in each year. If the full subscription is not paid by the above date, the subscription shall be increased each month, by an amount to be determined at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting held before the start of the season.
- The name of any member who has no paid their subscription by 31st October shall be reported immediately to the Executive Committee by the Treasurer. The Executive Committee shall have power to exclude from all benefits of membership any member whose subscription for the season is not paid by 30th November.
- In the event of any person becoming a member of the Club after the commencement of the season, the Executive Committee shall have the power to charge a proportion of the annual subscription for the remainder of the season.
- The bar of the club shall be open for the sale of intoxicating liquor during such hours as the Executive Committee of Kenton Club (Middx) Ltd shall determine in accordance with the Licensing Acts in force from time to time.
- The Club may be wound up by a resolution of an Annual or Special General Meeting by a majority of not less than three quarters of such members as being entitled to do so, vote in person. On a winding up, any surplus remaining after all liabilities have been discharged shall be applied to such purpose as the Executive Committee shall, in its absolute discretion, decide.
- No alteration to these Rules shall be made except by a resolution of an Annual or Special General Meeting by a majority of not less than two-thirds of such members, present, as being entitled to do so, vote in person; and every member shall, at least 7 days before such a meeting, receive notice of the full text of any proposed changes.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to deal in any manner it may think fit with any matter not provided for in these Rules.